Gerrit T. Rietveld

Gerrit T. Rietveld
Gerrit T. Rietveld

(Utrecht, 1888 – 1964)

The material as a living source to be listened to, understood and possibly reinterpreted according to industrial and mechanised manufacturing processes; this is how Rietveld experimented with his creative tension and, above all, tackled the creative and design process, achieving the aesthetic results that we appreciate today in his most indicative works: from his first Rood/Blauwe chair designed as early as 1900 and produced in 1918 to the ‘Berlin chair’ and the ‘military series’, always experimenting with new techniques and new construction materials as in 1942 he did for the chair made from a single sheet of aluminium and for the ‘Unesco’ chair of 1958, entirely upholstered in foam rubber.

The products of Gerrit T. Rietveld

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Vama Cucine is an important name in the Made in Italy kitchen sector, with a history that began in the 70s in the Pesaro furniture district, where the production of fitted kitchens has always been synonymous with excellence, recognized not only in Italy, but also in the rest of the world.

Production and warehouse facilities

Via Direttissima del Conero
Industrial Park
60021 Camerano (AN)