your opportunity

More beauty.
More balance.
More comfort.
More surprise.

Movement and residence.

to the business

Your market our mission
Kitchen and specific solutions
Building materials, special solutions and functional de-tails, fidelity to the design concept...
For the hotel, commercial or residential sector, VAMA demonstrates the utmost reliability by handling the complexity of supply volumes...
From the supply of raw materials to the realisation of variants within the framework of specific supply...
We make
your wish
come design
Choosing a VAMA kitchen or furniture solution is more than just buying a quality Made in Italy product: each supply is subject to a fast and thorough study process that guides the customer towards unique and personalised solutions, serving each space with optimal results and customised design.
Caterina Maffei
Managing Director

Three distinct lines, for a unique Vama world, capable of embracing all kinds of solutions and different styles, kitchens for all tastes and needs, united by the quality of the materials and the richness of the countless proposals.

Vama Kitchens partner
amazing for furniture professionals
From kitchens to living rooms and bathroom furnishing solutions: VAMA thinks and develops its Made in Italy by creating organic and harmonious spaces, in which design is able to trace a strong and distinctive aesthetic path, always respecting the intended use of each room.
Vama "Made in
Italy" not only kitchens
VAMA catalogues and models are a complete gallery of meaning and beauty, and to meet and satisfy the highest expectations of the international market, the various lines can blend harmoniously together, borrowing rhythms, colours, presences and creating unique furnishing solutions. VAMA’s talent and design skills go further and allow the customer to draw the lines and the direction of his project, on which our services will intervene to transform it into material, form and function.
The home is our most precious dress.
And if our furnishing solutions are the forms and style with which we present ourselves to the world and seduce it, at the same time they are also the comfort and beauty we want for ourselves, in which we wish to immerse ourselves every day. With body and soul.
Living today is a complex experience that we face with ever-increasing awareness, well aware that complete satisfaction depends on the quality and care of every minute detail.
The Vama SHOP was born from this evidence, dedicating to your living spaces a rich and articulated collection of furnishing accessories, all with an “Italian design” label and each piece a protagonist of contemporary design trends. We have been building kitchens since 1973, always operating in global markets and breathing different and specific cultures. This is why we propose 2 different collections that will allow you to choose, complete and enhance the sense and aesthetics of your furnishing solutions.Leave us a note!
Via Vincenzo Monti 6/A, 61121 Pesaro
Production and warehouse facilities
zona industriale C.I.A.N. Via dell’industria 20 – 60026 NUMANA (AN)